Friday, November 11, 2016

Its Not Me, They Said

Its Not Me, They Said
By: Tyler Ross

Another long day,
sitting with my thoughts
and reading everyone’s pain.
Its constant clutter,
keeps building
and breaking down 
all we have gained.
Its so familiar
this hate 
surrounding all my friends
so much sadness
and letdown
not seeing who they are
or becoming
more ego and dying hearts 
from what’s important
loving everyone near and far

In constant battle of losing myself
to everyone putting themselves upfront
the selfish
the knee-jerk
the constant reminder of how its getting worse
instead of being better first
and extending empathy…
a togetherness building thirst
What’s worse… 
is the lack of unity
bickering, dividing
and no impunity 
is being served for the violence
trying becomes a science
when it should be clear
that a human alliance 
will guide us
to a better place
for all 
where people are viewed as people
seen equal
and working together 
to prevent a damaging sequel
opportunity for all
no matter gender, creed, or color
bringing power back to the people
instead of thrusting ego 
destroying one another
while the uppers stay upper
controlling our lives
making our existence even tougher

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Time Has Changed

Time Has Changed
By: Tyler Ross

Convenience strikes,
your actions say it straight.
Your consistency lies 
in excuses,
I don’t relate.
You play your game,
but as soon as you’re caught
you try flipping it around
pointing fingers,
now you’re ready to talk?

No respect for time,
you allow your ego to shine.
You lack awareness 
and you take and take
not paying any mind.
No decency from you, 
you’re exposed
blindly telling me what to do.
Maybe you can see, 
but just don’t care?
Well then, fuck you!

I care
and won’t wait much longer.
Defensive you’ll stay,
now you’re a goner.
You can’t admit you’re wrong.
Lessons learned, so long,
I’m not waiting around
so I can belong.
Time has changed.

You’re all about yourself
no efforts, your ways
down a one-way street,
its no way to behave.
I’ve got no more time for you
no hope,
I’ll stay true.
I wish you all the best.
I’m through.